Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2012

A comparison of "arguments"

I've been following Elevatorgate and I've been following Policygate - over 20.000 blog posts/blog comments/forum posts.

I know what happened. I know what is happening. If I forgot everything I still would know more than some complainers who just didn't bother to take the time reading up on the subject.

I came across some phrases, not necessarily arguments, that sounded oddly familiar. I have tried to put together a comparison. It's not perfect, it doesn't feature direct quotes, it's mostly paraphrases, and it isn't finished.

Read on:


Feminism is an ideology!
No, feminism is he idea or belief that women are people, too.
Atheism is also just a religion!
No, atheism is the absence of a belief in one or more deities.

When you take away my privilege, like not being discriminated against for being a man, you are oppressing men!
No, equal rights for women don’t mean oppression for men.
When you take away my religious privileges, like religious education in classrooms or not being allowed to teach creationism, you are oppressing me!
No, equal privileges or no privileges for all or no religious groups doesn’t mean oppression of one religion.

You only work for more freedom for women so you can oppress men!

You only work for more freedom for atheists and agnostics and other non-powerful groups so you can oppress religion!

You talking about sexism makes men feel bad about themselves. That means you only talk about sexism so you can blame men!

You talking about children getting raped by priests makes religious people feel bad about religion. That means you only talk about children getting raped by priests so you can blame religion!

You’re a feminist, not a humanist, that means you’re against men!
Feminism is a subset of humanism.
You’re an atheist, not an agnostic, that means you are against religion.

Feminism is about…
How many of you have actually read feminist literature or really listen to what feminists say?
Atheism is about…
Evolution is about…
How many of you have actually read or understand atheism and evolution?

Feminists hate men.

Atheists have no morals.

Feminists hate sex.

Atheists just want to lead an immoral life with no consequences.

Rape and sexual harassment are not as big a problem as feminists make it out to be. After all, I have never been raped or felt harassed…

Religious oppression is not as big a problem as atheists make it out to be. After all, I have never felt oppressed…

You are overemotional. So that means you’re wrong.
No, I’m angry, and I have a right to be.
You are overemotional. So that means you’re wrong.
No, I’m angry, and I have a right to be.

What do you mean your experiences are more important than mine? That’s not equal rights! My experiences matter very much and mine say there is no oppression of women anymore. Ages ago, yes, but not anymore. Women have the same rights as everyone else.
·         Equal pay?
·         Gender roles?
·         Discrimination in the workplace
·         Discrimination in hiring processes
What do you mean your experiences are more important than mine? That’s not equal rights! My experiences matter very much and mine say there is no oppression of atheists anymore. Ages ago, yes, but not anymore. Atheists have the same rights as everyone else.
·         Bus campaign?
·         Atheist politicians?
·         Government funding catholic kindergardens and hospitals?
·         Religious Labour law?

All important inventions were made by men!
Not true and also unfair, because inventions correlate with education, and we know who got the most of that in history.
Human Rights and everything good in human society comes from religion!
No, actually most progress had to be fought for against religion.

Evolutionary psychology says women are not as rational as men but more emotional. That’s why women are more religious.

The bible says the godless are without morals. That’s why atheists are sinners.

But women are more emotional than men! Men are more rational!
Because evolution made women to be mothers.

But women are more emotional than men! Men are more rational!
That’s why only men should be priests, because God made women to be mothers.

Men are oppressed today, too!

Christians are oppressed today, too!

But why don’t you listen to what men have to say about women’s experiences? Shouldn’t both sides be heard?

But why don’t you listen to what catholic bishops have to say about sex. Shouldn’t both sides be heard?

You’re just a feminist because you hate men!

You’re just an atheist because you hate god!

Telling me I can’t ask women for sex where I want, when I want, the way I want limits my life. If you say I have to consider their feelings on the matter you limit my freedom to get laid and thus oppress me!

Telling me I can’t tell others not to have homosexual sex or prohibit them from marrying, that means limiting my life. If you say I have to consider their feelings on the matter you limit my religious freedom and oppress me!

But not all men rape women!

But not all priests rape children!

You only hate men because you’ve had bad experiences with them!

You only hate religion because you’ve had bad experiences with it!

Only very few men rape women. You cannot say their culture makes it easy for them.

Only very few priests rape children. You cannot say their religious institution makes it easy for them.

Rape and sexual assault and sexual harassment are very rare.

Priests raping children are very rare.

I wanted to include a column on either side for explanations, but I'm not sure it really will do much good. Well, this is what I have so far.

If you'd like to contribute or criticize, go ahead.